About Village
Thirupuram is a village in Neyyattinkara Taluk in Thiruvananthapuram District. It belongs to Thirupuram Grama Panchayat in Parassala Block Panchayat. It comes under Neyyattinkara Legislative Assembly Constituency. Resurvey was completed in this village in 1994. This village contains lands coming under ReSurvey Block Number 20. Total area is 912.57 hectares. Most of the places in this village are plane areas. Ponds, thodu and canals are also present.
Total population of this village is 38351 with 18732 males and 19619 females as per 2011 Census Report. The residents of this village include mainly farmers, daily labourers and small-scale traders. The majority of the people are middle-class and belong to normal living standards.
Most of the places in this village are plane areas. Ponds, thodu and canals are also present.
The majority of the people in this village are farmers, daily labourers and small-scale traders. They belong to normal economic living standards. This village comprises many small-scale trading shops and hotels.
The climate here is normal. Most of the places are plane areas. Ponds, thodu and canals are also present.