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About Village

Eruthenpathy is a rural village coming under Central Kerala Division .It comes under Eruthenpathi Grama Panchayath, Chittur Taluk, Chittur Block, Palakkad District,Kerala State.It is located 28 Km towards East from District Head Quarters Palakkad. The Assembly constituency is Chittur and Parliamentary constituency is Alathur.The Integrated Seed Development Farm and Nadupuni Checkpost is situated in Eruthenpathy.


As per the census of India 2011,The total area of the village is 1986 hectares .The total population is 9469 ,with 4689 Males and 4780 Females and 2542 number of households .There are 3 primary schools and one vocational higher secondary school in this village.


The nearest town Kozhinjampara is within a distance of 4 KM.Eruthenpathy shares the boundary of Tamilnadu State.Most of the people speak Tamil and Malayalam. There are two rivers in this village-The Korayar and The Varattayar.


Most of the area is covered by dry land and Majority of the people are labourers.Coconut and vegetable cultivation is the main livelihood of the people.


Majority of the land is characterised by coconut farms.


There are no tourist places in this village .