About Village
Kottukkal village located in Kottarakkara taluk of Kollam district in Kerala State. Around 4829 families reside in Kottukkal village.There are 4 majour areas included in this village. Kottukkal is a ward of the Ittiva Panchayat. The size of the area is about 22.34 square kilometer. The historical importance of the village is linked to Kottukkal cave temple. Attractions include the District agricultural Farm.
As per the Census India 2011, Kottukkal village has population of 18400 of which 8588 are males and 9812 females. The literacy rate of 92 % in this village.
Based on agricultural area. The District agricultural farm is situated in this village the area of 128 Hecter. Shares border with Ithikkara river in Northern side, Channapetta village in east, Chadayamangalam village in west and Ittiva village in southern portion.
Agriculture is the major job. Majority of the people Hindu -Nair community.The second major community Islam- Muslim third is Hindu-Ezhava another is Christian , SC families are also residing at Malapperoor , vayala , Kottukkal. The standard of education and economic status are the same as the status of the State.
Most of the places are urban area. This village has one of the largest agricultural area in this Taluk.
The Kottukkal Rock cave Temple