About Village
Alathur Village Office is situated in the Alathur Taluk Office compound. Alathur is a small town and the main occupation of the people are agriculture and business.
Population - 76720 Male - 12808 Female - 13912 Density - 1361.87 Ward nos - 16
Area in square km - 19.62 East - Melarcode Village, Erimayur-1 Village West - Kavasseri-1, Vadakkenchery Villages South - Veezhumala North -Kavassery-1, Kuthanur-1, Erimayur-1 Villages
70% of peoples income is based on Agriculture and others are engaged in business and other works.
Gayathri river flows Veezhumala mount Main cultivation is Paddy, Coconut, Rubber, etc.
Tourism based on Veezhumala (Trekking and a small dam).