Goverment of Kerala

Revenue Department

Village Office

Official Web Portal

About Village

Kadapra Village office is located in Thiruvalla Taluk of Pathanamthitta district in kerala, India. It is situated in 7 km away from Taluk head quarter Thiruvalla and 42 Km from district head quarter Pathanamthitta. Kadapra Village consist the part of Kadapra Grama Panchayath and Niranam grama panchayath. The total area of Village is 167.8470 hecters.


As per the census 2011, kadapra village has 23502 of which 10810 are males and 12692 females .It is one of the villages with the best sex ratio and consists of 18 wards in Kadapra and Niranam panchayats. Most of the people here belong to the religions of Hinduism, Christianity and Islam. Kadapra was famous for the cultivation of sugarcane, cashew and paddy. Currently there is only paddy cultivation. A good section of the people who make a living from inland fishing and a good number of people who make a living from pottery live within the limits of this village. Travancore Sugars and Chemicals is an important and state-owned enterprise. In addition, the strawboard factory at Parumala is an important industrial enterprise. In addition, a large number of people working in the United States, Europe and the Gulf are within the village limits. They play a crucial role in the economic development of the village.


Most of the land is Kadapra is a low lying area and part of the Upper Kuttanad. Paddy is the main crop. It is a place that experiences frequent floods, but experiences a severe shortage of fresh water during the summers. floods occur every year and people are being housed in relief camps. This is one of the worst affected areas by the 2018 floods .


It is one of the villages with the best sex ratio and consists of 18 wards in Kadapra and Niranam panchayats. Most of the people here belong to the religions of Hinduism, Christianity and Islam. Kadapra was famous for the cultivation of sugarcane, cashew and paddy. Currently there is only paddy cultivation. A good section of the people who make a living from inland fishing and a good number of people who make a living from pottery live within the limits of this village. Travancore Sugars and Chemicals is an important and state-owned enterprise. In addition, the strawboard factory at Parumala is an important industrial enterprise.


The Pampa and Manimala rivers are the major rivers flowing through this village .Kadapra is a low lying area and part of the Upper Kuttanad. Paddy is the main crop. It is a place that experiences a good time of the year and floods, but experiences a severe shortage of fresh water during the summers. This is one of the worst affected areas by the 2018 floods.


Famous Pilgrim centre Parumala Church is located in Kadapra village. The Mahatma boat race is an important cultural event.