About Village
Mylom is a village located in Taluk of Kottarakkara in Kollam District in Kerala State. Around 5541families reside in Mylom village. Mylom village is ward of the Mylom panchayath .
As per the Census India 2011, Mylom village has population of 22164. The sex ratio of Mylom village is around 1115. The literacy rate of Mylom Village is 85.77%
Boundaries of Mylom village East- Thalavoor village South - Kottarakara village west -Puthoor village North- Kalayapuram village MC road passes through the central part of this village
The population of mylom depend on multiple skills for living. Most of the population were agriculturist until late but has recently developed urbanisation
Climate is moderate, more or less the same as is prevalent elsewhere in Kollam district.
There is no much famous tourist places in this village. Kulapara hills situated 5 km from the village office has the potentials of becoming a tourist place