Goverment of Kerala

Revenue Department

Village Office

Official Web Portal

About Village

Mullurkara village is located in Talappilly Tehsil of Thrissur district in Kerala, India. It is situated 6km away from sub-district headquarter Wadakkanchery and 24km away from district headquarter Thrissur. As per 2009 stats, Mullurkara village is also a gram panchayat.


According to Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Mullurkara village is 627733.Mullurkara has a total population of 13,491 peoples. There are about 2,957 houses in Mullurkara village.According to Census 2011 information Attoor has a total population of 7327 peoples. There are about 1590 houses in Mullurkara village.


The total geographical area of village is 1427 hectares


Agriculture is the major source of income.


Wadakkanchery Upland


Asurankundu Dam