About Village
Paravoor is a village in Ambalappuzha taluk, Alappuzha district. Paravoor village consists of all the17 wards in Punnapra North Gramapanchayath. The village area lies adjacent to the south boundary of Alappuzha Municipality, beginning from Alappuzha bypass junction. As a town suburb, Paravoor village is a rapidly developing area. The ID plot at Vadackal, under the Industries Department, is a hub of emerging industrialists. College of Engineering and Management, Punnapra, and Sagara Hospital - two prominent instituions under CAPE, are located at Vadackal, in Paravoor village.
Population as per 2011 census data Total population - 28749 Male - 13958 Female - 14791 No of households - 6842 No of panchayath wards - 17 Total area of village - 826.3780 Ha
The Village lies between Arabian Sea in the west and River Pookkaitha in the East. North boundary is Alappuzha Municipality and South boundary is Punnapra South Panchayath area. The village has a coastline of about 3 kms in the west and riverbank of about the same length in the east.
As the village has a long coastline in the west and a riverbank in the east, the main occupational group in the society is Fishermen. Agriculture is another source of income as the village has an extent of 284.4137 ha of paddy field. The Industrial area at Vadackal also adds pace to the social and financial development of the village.
River Pookaitha, a tributary of Pamba, flows by the eastern side of the village, irrigating paddy fields and agricultural areas nearby. 284.4137 ha of paddy fields in the village cultivates paddy.
River Pookaitha, a tributary of Pamba, flows by the eastern side of the village. Backwater cruise in Houseboats and stay at Riverside Resorts attract a large number of International and domestic tourists, all through the year. Wide and sandy beaches in the west also add to the attraction.