About Village
Peringandur is a village in Thrissur district in the state of Kerala, India.Kerala health university situated in this village.
Peringandoor:- No of Households-1281 Total Population Person-5577 Total Population Male-2646 Total Population Female- 2931 Population in the age group 0-6 Person-518 Population in the age group 0-6 Male-255 Population in the age group 0-6 Female-263 Minalur:- No of Households-1522 Total Population Person-6120 Total Population Male-2949 Total Population Female- 3171 Population in the age group 0-6 Person-586 Population in the age group 0-6 Male-284 Population in the age group 0-6 Female-302
Peringandoor is a Village in Thrissur district of Kerala, India. It falls under Talappilly Taluk. Peringandoor agricultural crops are Paddy and Banana with the water being sourced for this land from Peechi Irigation Project and Poomala Dam.
Industrial area.
Wadakkanchery Upland.
Celebrate the festivals like Kuttiyamkkavu Temple Samkramavela, Perigandoor Mahavishnu Temple Uthsavam