Goverment of Kerala

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Village Office

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About Village

Panayam is a village located in the taluk of Kollam district in Kerala state. Around 5229 families reside in panayam village. There are 10 major areas included in this village. Panayam village is a ward of Panayam Gram panchayat. The size of the area is about 796.0357 Hectre.


As per India Census 2011, Panayam village has the population of 24397 of which 11843 are males and 12544 are females.


Panayam village is geographically situated in northern part of kollam city besides of astamudi lake.


Fishing is the major job of inhibants of Panayam village. Most of the people meet the both ends of their necessities of life by fishing. Majority of the people belong to Hindu community. The second major community is Christian Latin catholic. The third major community is Islam Muslim. SC families are also residing at Panayam. Communal harmony is a significant feature of this village. The standard of education and the economic status are the same as the status of the state.


Coir making and processing using the coconut fibre on the lake side of Panayam and cashew processing have been a significant step in self reliance for the country in terms of being a strategically important industry.


1. Panayam Temple. 2. Perumon Bridge