About Village
Pallimon is a village located in Kollam Taluk of Kollam district in Kerala State. Around 5229 families reside in Pallimon village. Pallimon village is a ward of the Nedumbana panchayat The size of the area is about 7 square kilometer.
As per the Census India 2011, Pallimon village has population of 17342 of which 8007 are males and 90335 are females. The population of children between age 0-6 is 1767 which is 10.19% of total population. The sex-ratio of Pallimon village is around 1166 compared to 1084 which is average of Kerala state. The literacy rate of Pallimon village is 85%
pallimon is small village/ hamlet in Mukhathala block, in kollam district in Kerala state.It is a country side in Kollam District.featuring a typical Kerala Village consisting Paddy fields,wetlands,river channels and high lands
Agriculature is the major job of the inhabitants i of pallimon village. The most of people meet the both ends of their necessities agriculture os of life by agriculture. Majority of people belongs yo Hindu- Ezhava community.
The area can be categorised in the idanadu with an avg elevation of 108 mtr above mean sea level. Major rainy season is the south west monsoon
Pallimon Mahadevar Temple,