Goverment of Kerala

Revenue Department

Velinalloor Village Office
Village Office

Official Web Portal

About Village

Velinalloor is a village located in Taluk of Kottarakkara in Kollam District in Kerala State. Around 7233 families reside in Velinalloor village. Velinalloor village is situated in oyoor town ward of the Velinalloor Panchayat.The Velinalloor village is situated at the middle region of Kollam District.Its having an area of 2663.7416 hectares land.


As per the Census India 2011, Velinalloor village has population of 28864. The sex ratio of Velinalloor village is around 1138. The literacy rate of Velinalloor Village is 82.75%


Village office is situated at Oyoor junction of Ayoor Ithikkara Road.The Subregistrar office Panchayath office And Govt LP school all are near to the village office.this village is sharing its boundary with thiruvananthapuram district.


Majority of people are middle and lower class.most of people doing coolie works


This village consists of two licenced Minig quarries at present.Most area is covered by rocks and hills.The famous Ithikkara river is flowing through the south side of this village.


Akkal Vattathil water falls and peacock park,,the most second largest area in kerala, we can see peacocks.Kovilkunnu Temple and Sree Ramaswamy Temple and Valiyam kunnu