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About Village

Thelliyoor village is located in Mallappally Tehsil of Pathanamthitta district in Kerala, India. It is situated 9km away from sub-district headquarter Mallappally and 28km away from district headquarter Pathanamthitta. Ezhumattoor is the gram panchayat of Thelliyoor village.


Thelliyoor has a total population of 8,101 peoples. There are about 2,210 houses in Thelliyoor village.


The total geographical area of village is 1015 hectares. . per , Thelliyoor villages comes under Ranni assembly & Pathanamthitta parliamentary constituency. Thiruvalla is nearest town to Thelliyoor which is approximately 18km away.


Agriculture is the main source of income of the people.Socio-Economic background of the people is sound.People are living in a harmonious way.


This is a hilly area with beautiful greenary and a peaceful place.


Thelliyoor kavu Vrishika vanibham is famous.It lasted for 10 days from Vrishikam 1