Goverment of Kerala

Revenue Department

Kadakkal Village office
Village Office

Official Web Portal

About Village

Kadakkal is a village located in Taluk of Kottarakkara in Kollam District in Kerala State. Around 7680 families reside in Kadakkal village. Kadakkal village is ward of the Kadakkal panchayath


As per the Census India 2011, Kadakkal village has population of 30719. The sex ratio of Kadakkal village is around 1177. The literacy rate of Kadakkal Village is 85.36%


Based on agricultural area. Shares border with Ittiva village in Northern side, Chithara village in east, Nilamel village in west and Kummil village in southern portion.


Agriculture is the major job. Majority of the people Hindu -Ezhava community.The second major community Islam- Muslim third is Hindu-Nair , SC families are also residing at various portion. The standard of education and economic status are the same as the status of the State.


Most of the places are urban area.


Kadakkal Devi Temple and Mattidam paara