About Village
Chithara is a large village located in Kotarakara Taluk of Kollam district in Kerala State. Around 5260 families reside in this village. There are 11 wards included in this Village. This village is situated in Valavupacha ward in Chithara panchayat The size of the village is about 33.62 square kilometers.
As per the Census India 2011, Chithara village has a population of 20268 of which 9381are males and 10887 are females. The population of children between ages 0-6 is 2091 which is 10.32% of the total population. The sex ratio of this village is around 1161 compared to 1084 which is the average of Kerala state. The literacy rate of this village is 82%.
Chithara Village office is situated at Valavupacha in the eastern portion of Kollam district having hilly terrain. Shares border with Nedumangad Taluk in Thiruvananthapuram district in the east and south. Mangode village in the west, and Punallur taluk in the North.
The majority of the people belong to the Hindu community followed by Muslims and Christians. SC and ST families are also residing at Chithara village. Communal Harmony is a significant feature of this village. The standard of education and economic status are the same as the status of the state.
Share boundary with forest area, oil palm plantation and with arippa ecotourism.Home to different species of birds
Share boundary with Arippa ecotourism