Goverment of Kerala

Revenue Department

Village Office

Official Web Portal

About Village

Alapadamba village is located and listed under Taluk Payyannur, in the district of Kannur, Kerala State. It is located 46 KM towards North from District head quarters Kannur and 13 KM from Payyannur


The total geographical area of village is 2525 hectares. Alapadamba has a total population of 8,660 peoples. There are about 2,233 houses in Alapadamba village. As per 2019 stats, Alapadamba villages comes under Payyannur assembly & Kasaragod parliamentary constituency. Payyannur is nearest town to Alapadamba which is approximately 13km away.


Alappadamba Village Office situated near Mathil town,Kankol-Alappadamba Grama Panchayath.


Most of the people engaged in agriculture.Main crops are rice,coconut and cashew nut.As a part of cultural maintenance and development of people there are many libraries,arts and sports clubs functioning in the village.


Deviottu Kavu_Rich in biodiversity and spread over an area of 26.45 hector.


Hariteerthamkara(Ariyil) waterfalls situated 1.25km away from Chooral Town