About Village
Polpully Village is located in Polpully Grama Panchayath in Palakkad taluk, Palakkad District and 10 kms away from District Head Quaters in Palakkad - Chittur Road. . Area of Village is 2003.102 hectors.
As per the census 2011 , Polpully Village has population of 16500 of which 8029 are males and 8471 are females..
Polpully village is a typical Palakkadan Village with beautiful Paddy field and Ponds.
People in this village depends mainly on Agriculture (paddy cultivation) for their livelihood.
Maximum area is covered with paddy fields. These paddy fields are well irrigated with the help of irrigation projects like Chitturpuzha Project, Walayar and Minor irrigations.
No famous tourist place in this village.