About Village
Pariyaram village is situated in Kannur district, Taliparamba taluk, Pariyaram Grama Panchayath, Taliparamba Block. The most of the people In Pariyaram are engaged in Agriculture and Business. The area is also known as major part of agriculture land. Pariyaram village is politically part of Taliparamba assembly constituency which belongs to Kannur LokSabha constituency.
Pariyaram village has population of 20405 of which 9582 are males and 10823 female as per report of released by census INDIA 2011
Pariyaram village is located between national highway of Taliparamba and Payyannur
Hindu, Muslim, Christian communities lives in religious harmony, most of the people in Pariyaram village is engaged in agricultural and business
Pariyaram village is rich of different beautiful places and flora and fauna. Kuppam river flows through East South side of Pariyaram village.
it is most beautiful journey through Kuppam river