About Village
Tirur village one of the 30 villages in Tirur Taluk of Malappuram District in Kerala State. It is situated near Tirur Railway Station and around 250 mtrs north from the Taluk Office Tirur. Municipality : Tirur Assembly Constituency : Tirur Parliamentary Constituency : Ponnani Tirur Village has 5 blocks - Kott, Porur, Chembra, Tirur and Thumarakkav
Total Population is 56,058 as per 2011 census.of which 48% are male and 52% female. (Tirur Municipality)
Tirur Village spread over an area of about 8 square kilometres Total Area of Village : 788.3334 Hrs North : Tanalur village. South: Trikkandiyur village East : Cheriyamundam village West : Niramaruthur village Latitude / Longitude :
Tirur village is a predominantly muslim populated area. Hindus are exist in comparatively small.
Tirur Village is a mixed place with dry and Paddy lands
Tirur River