Goverment of Kerala

Revenue Department

Bandaduka Village Office
Village Office

Official Web Portal

About Village

Bandadka is a small town in Kasaragod district in the state of Kerala, India. Which is also called as kottakal because of Bandadka Fort.It comes under Kuttikol Panchayath. It belongs to North Kerala Division . It is located 37 km towards East from District headquarters Kasaragod and 592 km from State capital Thiruvananthapuram. Bandadka Pin code is 671541 and postal head office is Chengala.


Bandadka has a population of 7740 with 3877 males and 3863 females. Local Language is Malayalam. Some residents also speak Kannada and Tulu languages. Bandadka Village Total population is 7824 and number of houses are 1849. Female Population is 50.2%. Village literacy rate is 78.5% and the Female Literacy rate is 37.7%.


The total geographical area of village is 2330 hectares. Bandadka village is located at high altitude place mostly surrounded by high range forest areas and high range agricultural lands ...Despite the fact that village is surrounded by mostly forest areas and hilly areas, water scarcity is a major problem in this village during summer, due to lack of average rainfall


Most people in this village earns their livelihood from agriculture and small scale businesses, Majority of the agriculture comes from the cultivation of crops such as coconut, arecanut and rubber. paddy fields are comparatively less


As majority part of the village s area is surrounded by trees and hilly and forest areas and agricultural fields, It serves an ecosystem for Many plant and animal species .A wide variety of plant and species are seen in this place especially different types of birds , different types of beautiful butterflies... India s national bird peacock and kerala s state animal elephant is commonly seen near the forest areas in this village.


No notable tourist places are present