About Village
Narikkuni village is a part of Thamarassery Taluk in Kozhikode district. Toal geographical area of 4410 Acre 93 cents induces in village. Narikkuni village is administrated by by Parannur, Kundayi, Kotoli, Nediyanad, Pannikkottur, Palangad desom
The village has a population 15166 males,13638 females and a total of 28504 .
Village is situated eastern side of the District . Nearest railway station and airport is at Calicut. Well connected with Highways, Railway station and airport.
Socially and economically average area.Agriculture, Business,etc.. are the main income source.
Agriculture oriented area. Village consist of hills, paddy fields and lands. Rainy season is during June to September mid and October to November. Hot season is extending from March to June