Goverment of Kerala

Revenue Department

Village Office

Official Web Portal

About Village

Eramam village office located in kannur district payyanur taluk in Eramam kutoor gramma panchayat. it is less populated area. Most the land is vacant filled with laterite stone. There is no Significant tourist places in this village.


As of 2001 India census, Eramam had a population of 9676 with 4671 males and 5005 females.There are around 15 temples situated at Eramam. It is the part of Eramam Kuttur gramapanchayath.


Most the land is vacant filled with laterite stone. The boundaries of the villages are Panappuzha, Korom, Alappadamba, Perinthatta and Kuttoor.


Most of the people engaged with Ariculture.Main crops are rice, cashewnut, coconut and arecanut.


There is no large scale industries in the area.


There is no Significant tourist places in this village.