About Village
Manathana is a village located in Iritty Taluk of Kannur district in Kerala.Manathana village, which belongs to Peravoor Grama Panchayat in Iritty taluk of Kannur district, shares border with Muzhakkunnu, Vellarvalli, Kanichar villages The land area of ​​Manathana village is 1804.60 hectares.
As per the Census India 2011, Manathana village has population of 29328 of which 14438 are males and 14890 are females. The population of children between age 0-6 is 3180 which is 10.84% of total population. The sex-ratio of Manathana village is around 1031 compared to 1084 which is average of Kerala state. The literacy rate of Manathana village is 80.19% out of which 82.29% males are literate and 78.15% females are literate. There are 1.32% Scheduled Caste (SC) and 14.86% Scheduled Tribe (ST) of total population in Manathana village.
Most of the village is hilly and mountainous along the Western Ghats.
Hindus, Muslims and Christians live in the village of Manathana. All religions have their own rituals, ceremonies, festivals and places of worship. It can be seen that all the sects participate in unity in the important festivals of each sect. This unity between different religious sects is a feature of Manathana Village
Hilly area