About Village
Chittar is a Village in Konni Taluk in Pathanamthitta District of Kerala State, India. It belongs to South Kerala Division . It is located 18 KM towards East from District head quarters Pathanamthitta. 10 KM from Ranni. 24 KMs from Konni,109 KM from State capital Thiruvananthapuram Chittar Pin code is 689663 and postal head office is Chittar . Thannithodu ( 8 KM ) ,Vadasserikkara ( 13 KM ) , Vechuchira ( 15 KM ) , are the nearby Villages to Chittar. Konni,Pathanamthitta , are the near by Cities to Chittar.
Chittar is a village located in Konni Taluk of Pathanamthitta district in Kerala. Around 3989 families reside in Chittar-village. Chittar village is administered by Sarpanch(Head of village) who is elected every five years. As per the Census India 2011, Chittar village has population of 14855 of which 7079 are males and 7776 are females. The population of children between age 0-6 is 1205 which is 8.11% of total population. The sex-ratio of Chittar village is around 1098 compared to 1084 which is average of Kerala state. The literacy rate of Chittar village is 89.25% out of which 89.31% males are literate and 89.2% females are literate. There are 5.45% Scheduled Caste (SC) and 0.22% Scheduled Tribe (ST) of total population in Chittar village. Chittar Population Facts Number of Households 3989 Population 14855 Male Population 7079 (47.65%) Female Population 7776 (52.35%) Children Population 1205 Sex-ratio 1098 Literacy 89.25% Male Literacy 89.31% Female Literacy 89.2% Scheduled Tribes (ST) % 0.22% Scheduled Caste (SC) % 5.45%
The total geographical area of village is 67737 hectares. Chittar has a total population of 31,969 peoples. There are about 8,722 houses in Chittar village. As per 2019 stats, Chittar villages comes under Konni assembly & Pathanamthitta parliamentary constituency. Pathanamthitta is nearest town to Chittar which is approximately 30km away.
The major portion of the population depends on agriculture for their livelihood.
The terrain of the village comprise of Residential areas, plantation and forest Land.