About Village
Kunnumma is a rural village bifurcated from Pulinkunnu and Kavalam Villages. It is a large village by its area extending the northern boundary up to Kottayam District. it is mainly comprised of large paddy fields like Mangalam manikka Mangalam Kayal, Rajaramapuram Kayal, H Block kayal, K L Block Aap Kayal etc.
Total Families 3420, total population 14252 of which 6961 male 7291 female as per population census 2011
This village mainly comprised of large kayal paddy fields , marshy lands, with Pamba river, hundreds of canals, Total area of this village is 2559.01 hectares of which 2309.54 hectares of wet land, 168.73 hectares of Dry land and 80.72 hectares of purambokku land.
Basically it is an agricultural area. Paddy cultivation, Inland fishing, are the main source of income and living. Most of the peoples are labourers , Farmers, agriculturists, Toddy tappers, fishermen
This village contains large paddy fields , inland Backwaters, River, hundreds of canals, marshy lands.
Boating and inland backwater tourism