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Aloor Ponmala Siva Temple is in Thrissur District. Kerala State in India.Aloor Ponmala Siva Temple is geographically located at latitude 10 ° 35′0'' and longitude 10 ° 35′0''
NithyasahayamathaOurLadyOfPerpetualHelp Mattom ChurchThis miraculous picture of ‘Our Lady of Our Perpetual Help’ was first seen on the island of Crete. Its origins are not clearly known. It was then brought to Rome and was with a merchant for some years. One day Mother Mary appeared before a girl and instructed her to place it in a place between St. Mary Majos and St. John Herit. The picture was then placed in St Mathew’s Church on 27th march 1499 and blessed. Pilgrims flowed to the church for about three centuries