Goverment of Kerala

Revenue Department

Village Office

Official Web Portal

About Village

Kadambazhipuram 1 is a village placed in Sreekrishnapuram Block of Palakkad district in Kerala. Situated in rural part of Palakkad district of Kerala, it is one among the 11 villages of Sreekrishnapuram Block of Palakkad district.


Kadampazhipuram I has a total population of 16,003 people. There are about 3,757 houses in the village.


The total geographical area of village is 2119 hectares.


Literacy rate in Kadampazhipuram 1 village is 83%. 13424 out of total 16003 population is literate here. Among males the literacy rate is 85% as 6666 males out of total 7752 are educated whereas female literacy rate is 81% as 6758 out of total 8251 females are literate in this Village. Most people doing agriculture.Most people doing agriculture.


Agricultural landMost people doing agriculture.


Most people doing agriculture.