About Village
Sarkara-Chirayinkeezhu Village Office is located in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
As per census Sarkara Chirayinkeezhu group village had a population of 29907 with 13721 males and 16186 females
How to reach sarkara : by rail Chirainkeezhu is the nearest railway station. Sarkara is 8 km west of Attgal town. Sarkara village is surrounded by Kadakkavoor village towards north Azhoor village towards south Kizhuvilam koonthalloor village towards east and Arabian sea towards west.
Major part of the population depends on agriculture and fishing for their livelihood.Sarkara village
The terrain of the village comprise of residential areas and costal areas.
The Sarkara Devi Temple is situated at Chirayinkeezhu (Chirayinkil). The temple is noted for the Kaliyoot Festival, which takes place in the Malayalam month of kumbham (March) and the Meena Bharani Festival celebrated for 10 days in the Malayalam month of meenam (March/April).